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“There is no end to education. I see a real yogi as a someone who is committed to growth and to being the best version of themselves, and, at the same time, is courageous enough to be fully present and authentic in each moment.”

— Baron Baptiste

Nick Zogg teaching outdoor yoga at We Thrive yoga


Workshops are scheduled throughout the year, and are available upon request.


Every day of the unique way you’ve lived your life so far has given you the body, mind, and outlook you have today. Our Beginner’s series is powerful because it meets you right where you are, and can cause tranformational shifts in your physical, mental and emotional health from the very first moments of your practice!

This workshop covers 1. asana (the physical practice of yoga), 2. true north alignment (a healthy alignment that will bring your body into balance and position it to gain strength, vitality, and power), 3. the pillars of the practice (breath, gaze, foundation, heat, and flow), 4. meditation (a simple practice of stillness and awareness), and 5. inquiry (the opportunity to reflect on how the practice is impacting your experience of life as you learn).


At We THRIVE, we are committed to bringing you workshops that are designed to help you impact the multi-dimensional nature of your health.

Be on the lookout for future workshops on: sleep, hydration, nutrition, relationships, and other pillars of wellness that will radically change how you interact with yourself and the world around you. Together, we will explore practices based in yoga tradition, science, and functional medicine that will help you and your community reach your optimal health and longevity.


Join us for We Thrive’s Inversions workshop, designed to teach anyone the total body integrity, alignment, and skill work needed for handstand, forearm stand, and headstand. Our teachers are masters in being able to see your next step towards accessing or up-leveling your inversions. Come experience the hyper-focused meditative state it takes to achieve these powerful poses, learn tangible exercises you can practice daily, and feel your brain, blood, and body alive as you go upside down with your community. Inversions improve circulation, increase immunity, create energy, improve balance, light up core strength, and can give us new perspective, humility, and fun!


Arm balances are some of the most creative and powerful physical postures available for the human body to work towards, achieve, and experience. Arm balances demand total body awareness and activation from their practitioners. We Thrive’s Arm Balancing workshop will guide you through the functional movement, alignment, and skill work required for your body to create different arm balances. Come expand what your brain is capable of believing is possible and what your body is capable of doing. Begin a life-long love affair with arm balancing! Arm balances build strength, create flexibility, challenge balance, and teach us to try, fail, and fly!

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